I listened attentively and realized that the bracelet she was describing was exactly the same bracelet that my ridiculously talented friendor had made me for the wedding. It was a clear and brown crystal bracelet that dangled just so.
I also told Mama Peep that I was afraid that my yellow earrings, brown bracelet and pink shoes might just be too much random color. So, I offered to let her wear the bracelet on the big day, and I'd look for something that coordinated better.
At this point, I was also still looking for a perfect clutch and pair of earrings to go with my rehearsal dinner dress.
Enter: Bagged, Borrowed or Steal.
Or as I like to say, Bagged, Borrowed, or Stolen My Heart!! Seriously, have you checked out this site.
If you haven't seen Sex in the City, here's the premise: You pay a nominal fee and they let you 'borrow' an item for as long you like (or can afford). And if you really love something, you can steal it, aka Buy It from the Company.
The items listed are usually pretty great quality and some are VERY high end.
For awhile, I envisioned wearing this ridiculously gorgeous $11,000 bracelet on the day of the wedding:

But with the $237 a week price tag to borrow it, it was way out of my price tag.
But I did borrow three items.
I was unsure about this bracelet, but all of the other bracelets that I wanted to borrow had a wait list. And at $20 bucks a week, Mama Peep said it was worth the risk.

Ironically enough, the bracelet didn't go with my wedding dress, but it did go with Mama Peep's rehearsal dinner outfit. Are you noticing a trend??
The next two things I borrowed were perfect.
These earrings added the perfect amount of color to my green rehearsal dinner dress, and they only cost me $17 (yet retail for over $300):

And this purse, well, let's just say it was love. It was my splurge at $43 for the week, but I used it for both the Rehearsal Dinner and the Wedding. And if I could have scrounged up the $700 to steal it, I would have. Ahh, c'est la vie.

At least it was mine for a whole week.
In the end, I would totally recommend BB&S. I was able to outfit my champagne tastes on a bud light budget. In total it cost me just under $100 and I would it again in a heart beat.
If you are thinking of doing the same, here are a few tips:
1. Use the Live Help. If something you heart is wait listed, you can chat with someone to find out how many people are on the wait list. I loved one bracelet, but then I found out that someone had been borrowing it for over 6 months, so I quickly realized that it would not be returned in time for me to borrow it.
2. It takes awhile to get something delivered. For our May 30th wedding, I ordered the items on May 19th, so the items would be delivered on Tuesday, May 26th. I just wanted to borrow the items for one week, so I had to make sure that I returned them (with the return labels provided) by the Tuesday following the wedding.
3. Become a member. For me, the one month $9.99 membership fee was worth it because I saved about $40 by becoming a member for the month. Just don't forget to cancel the membership.
4. The items change. Don't get your heart set on a certain item. I coveted a certain bracelet and the day I went to borrow it, it was no longer available. So be flexible or be willing to borrow it a week early.
Has anyone else taken a chance and used BB&S??