Oh, and Mr. Peeps- stop reading now. Or no surprises for you!
Now that that is out of the way, let's talk about spiffing up the Mister's outfit on our big day. The mister is cufflink-less, so I thought that a memorable and lasting gift to give him on his big day would be the ever important- drum roll- cuff link. Not an entirely new idea- but I am hoping my options are a bit out of the ordinary and a bit more eco-chic.
Before I start, here are two great websites to find some fabulously fun and cool eco-gifts: green with envy and eco-artware.
First up, recycled Wine Barrel Cuff links. Have I mentioned to the Hive yet that Mr. Peeps has left the deliciously tasting Olive Oil world to go back to the Wine Industry!! That's right- our wine 'closet' is again filling up quickly!
Obviously these are pertinent to Mr. Peeps profession, and even a wedding color, so a good all around choice.
Option #2: A bit of SF Memorabilia. And the great part about these- the Muni line runs next to the hotel, so very fitting if I do say so. But not all that attractive. Note to the Hive- these are also available for other major Cities!!
Option #3: Not necessarily eco but these cuff links are on Etsy, in our wedding colors, at fabulous price, and don't you think they match our invites??
And finally, the option the most expensive but oh, so cool option. Dodger Stadium Cuff Links!!! Have I mentioned that I am HUGE Dodger fan and over the years I have converted Mr. PT. He's even going down to LA-LA Land to go to a Dodger game for his Bachelor Party!!! Unfort, the Dodger ones are blue, so they don't actually match our wedding colors- but FMIL thought they'd be an awesome gift and conversation starter.
So hive, how best do you think I should add a bit of eco-chicness to the Mister's outfit.
Insert- survey here:
Option 1 Perfectly him. Does your order come with a barrel of wine?
Option 2 I heart the SF Muni and could ride it all day long!!
Option 3 Perfectly matching and sappy all in one.
Option 4 Release your need to match everything and get something meaningful to both of you outside of the wedding.
Option 5 Splurge and get three and four. Make him wear the color coordinating ones to the wedding and the Dodger ones can be a conversation piece at another event.
And finally, Did anyone get their Dad a gift on their big day!?? Papa Peep's b-day is a week before the wedding, so I am thinking of gifting him this at the Rehearsal- he's the reason I am a Dodger fan and being an accountant he loves a good pen:
What do you think? What are you gifting your Mister? Do you have any other eco-friendly options?
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