Thursday, May 21, 2009

More Pain in the Peep Household

You are probably wondering how crazy I must be to constantly talking about the ups and downs of wedding planning.

But yesterday Mr. Peep and I found out that our honeymoon is indeed a real pain! Before we could jet off on our fantastic honeymoon to Panama: we needed shots!!!!


While at my annual check up a few weeks ago, not only did I have to get a Tetanus shot, but I found out that our health care provider also suggested to get a Hepatitis A shot and a Typhoid shot.

So yesterday, we took a shot in the arm for love and a safe and happy honeymoon. I have to say, I had a horrible reaction to the Tetanus shot. I am so glad that I went in early for that one- my arm was swollen, red and super sore for days- not what you want right before your wedding day!! But yesterday we were in and out in 5 minutes (thus, no time for pictures) and the other two shots weren't that bad. Although, poor Mr. Peep is hurtin from his Tetanus shot today!! The best part- our health care covered all of it. (I've heard that travel shots can be really expensive). The worst part, we have to go back in 6 months for a second Hepatitis A shot. Bummer.

Please consider this post a public service announcement: Don't forget to find out if you have to get shots before you go on your honeymoon.

Anyone else traveling somewhere on the their honeymoon that requires shots?

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